President Weah Completes the constitution of the LEITI’s MSG

President Weah Completes the constitution of the LEITI’s MSG

As a means of indicating the Government of Liberia’s continuous commitment in fostering transparent resource management through the implementation of the EITI process in Liberia,

President George Manneh Weah, has completed the appointment of the Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group (MSG) of the Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (LEITI). 

Hon. C. Mike Donyen of the Liberia Forestry Development Authority (FDA) Chairman(MSG) 

Hon. Gesler E. Murray representing the Ministry of  Mines and Energy (MME)  Co-Chair(MSG) Other nominees appointed to the MSG are:

Mr. Baryou Wallace      Liberia Labor Congress                                               Member

Mr. Esiaka B. Konneh   Liberia Gold/Diamond Broker & Dealers Association -    Member

Mrs.Celecia Danuwieli  Publish What You Pay                                                  Member

Mr.Daniel Nyankonah, Jr.Press Union of Liberia               -                               Member

Mr.AnsuSekou Konneh Western Cluster Limited  -                                            Member

Mr. E. Ekema A. Witherspoon, I  Liberia Timber Association                              Member

Mr. Elvis G. Morris -     Golden Veroleum Liberia         -                                    Member

Mr. Eric N. Swen  -       Arcelor Mittal                         -                                    Member

Mr.Raymond Gwenigale –Firestone Liberia             -                                        Member
The finalization of the constitution of the MSG comes in the wake of the recommendation made by the international EITI secretariat to the Government of Liberia in its suspension notice published on its website on September 6, 2018, which calls for the immediate constitution the MSG in partnership with the civil society and the industries so as to revitalize the implementation of the EITI activities in Liberia.

Early September 2018, the EITI board reached a decision to suspend Liberia from its international body and also refuse to grant Liberia the rights to extend its validation exercise on grounds that the request submitted did not meet the approval of a full functioning MSG. The absent of functioning was one of the facts that dragged Liberia it the current suspension that the country is currently enduring.
However, with this fully legitimate constituted MGS, Liberia  can now work its way out of suspension within the timeframe given by the EITI board.